
Basic information in English

M. Plesinger-Božinov School in Neratovice

M. Plesinger-Božinov School in Neratovice

Our well organized school incorporates the first and second stages which are  our equivalent to British primary and secondary schools. Our school has been offering high standard of education since 1961 when it was established. 


The school originally known as  Základní škola Neratovice was renamed in 2008 with the honorary title – Základní škola Ing. M. Plesingera-Božinova Neratovice by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic to Základní škola Ing. M. Plesingera-Božinova to honour Ing. M. Plesinger-Božinov (1863 – 1968) who was a Czech legionnaire and diplomat.

The school implements a school educational program called “School for Life – School for Everybody“. Its main aims are the  following:

-  teaching pupils the knowledge and skills applicable in everyday life

-  leading school pupils consistently to good behaviour and demeanour

-  teaching students the principle that rules are made to be respected

 - lying emphasis on teaching foreign languages, mainly English

- teaching pupils how to use computers and  “smart“ devices efficiently and safely

-  providing opportunities to excel to all our pupils whether they are gifted academically or their   talents or interests lie in other fields


About the school:

  • School location is in a quiet part of the housing estate, a large area planted with greenery
  • Public transport bus stops are in front of the school and another one  in the vicinity of the school
  • Separate building for the first grade classes
  • IT room, Internet and e-mail for pupils as well as teachers
  • Specialized workrooms: two IT rooms, History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography and Music rooms, Language workroom, training kitchen, Technology workroom
  • All specialized workrooms, first and second grades classrooms and some other rooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards
  • Pupils’ and teachers’ libraries  
  • Two gyms and  an outdoor field with  artificial turf
  • Nine after school clubs
  • Detached facility of pedagogical and psychological consulting in the school building
  • School canteen and kiosk
  • Sport classes for pupils from 6th to 9th grades according to results of selective exams
  • Several days sport courses for sport classes
  • One week ski courses for 7th grade pupils
  • Trips to English and German speaking countries
  • We are one of primary schools in Central Bohemia region area which provide free language preparation for foreign children

Postal address:

Základní škola Ing. M. Plesingera-Božinova

Školní 900

277 11  Neratovice

Czech Republic



Jaroslav Kužel


+420 315 682 067

Vice headmasters:

Kateřina Kořanova


+420 323 550 500

František Štěrba


+420 323 550 500


Lucie Fialová


+420 315 682 068

School Canteen:


+420 315 682 069

Základní škola Ing. M. Plesingera-Božinova Neratovice

Školní 900
277 11

Telefon :
+420 315 682 068

IČO: 49516256
E-mail: info@zs-mpb.cz
Www: www.zs-mpb.cz
ID datové schránky: 3s3ja88
ZŠ Ing. M. Plesingera-Božinova, Neratovice
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